Nov / Xmas Orders
Nov / Xmas Orders
Welcome to our farm shop, where you can buy our fresh, free-range meat.
Welcome to our farm shop, where you can buy our fresh, free-range meat in a couple of different ways. You can either buy a pre-packed meatbox, or shop for individual products. Each meatbox is designed to meet different needs, so you can find the right option to feed a family for the week or to cater for a large barbecue.
To reduce food miles and keep delivery FREE we only deliver within 30 miles of the farm, but you can still collect your order from us if you live beyond that range.
Beef cuts
Pork cuts
To reduce food miles we only deliver within 30 miles of the farm, but you can still collect your order from us if you live beyond that range.
Beef cuts
Pork cuts
Pork cuts
We can let you know when the freshest, juiciest, yummiest meat is available!
Don’t worry, this is just between us. We will never share your email with any third parties without asking you first.
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If you order before midnight on November 18 , your delivery will arrive by December 10 .
If you are collecting from the farm or from Stone Farmer's Market, the following standard dates apply.
If you order by midnight on November 18 then the following delivery and collection dates apply:
Delivered by: December 10
Collect from the farm: Saturday, Dec 7 - 14
Collect from Stone Farmer's Market: Saturday, Dec 7
We love hearing from our customers, so thank you for getting in touch about an order.
We spend a lot of time looking after our wonderful animals, but we’ll be in touch with you as soon as we can.
Pat and John Pimlott