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Welcome to our Farm blog!

John and Pat with newborn Oxford Sandy and Black piglets

This is our first post – and who could believe Park Hill Farm would join the on-line revolution so quickly during a pandemic? As we write this, (with a lot of excitement), we are in the middle of a few days’ heat wave, and the cattle are taking shade under the trees and the pigs are making good use of their wallows (watery holes in the ground).

This first blog goes out at the same time as the new website goes live, so let’s hope there are not too many technical problems for us to solve! If you find any, please let me know by email, and we will get them fixed.

Covid 19 is still with us, and affecting the way we work, but we have amended our risk assessments to be Covid Safe when we attend your parties or events, and of course when we drop off your meat.

Please take advantage of the new website’s ordering system, where you can pay by card and then look forward to having your meat delivered free of charge.

Our next deliveries start going out on the 6th September 2020.